Classic Wolverine Covers: Giant-Size X-Men #1

From 2008 to 2009, Wolverine Files highlighted, in chronological order, iconic Wolverine covers and their homages. Want to start at the beginning? Click here…

Perhaps the most iconic cover in X-Men history, Giant-Size X-Men #1 depicts the new X-Men bursting onto the scene, quite literally. Penciled by Gil Kane, the cover also debuted Wolverine’s new mask, an inadvertent penciling error that was deemed better than his previous mask. In fact, Dave Cockrum, who inked the cover and drew the issue itself, redrew Wolverine throughout to reflect the new look.

Wolverine Cover: Giant-Size X-Men #1

These early pencils by Gil Kane are the very first appearance of Wolverine’s present-day mask…

Giant-Size X-Men #1 pencils

The first homage is a terrific cover by John Cassaday introducing the Astonishing X-Men to the cover of Wizard Magazine #159 from January 2005. This is followed by Dave Cockrum and John Cassaday on Giant-Size X-Men #3 from later in 2005. The cover is seemingly in response to the first (the characters are reversed) with Cockrum penciling the foreground while Cassaday penciled the backgrounds and inked the entire piece…

Wizard Magazine #159 cover Giant Size X-Men #3 cover

Next up is the rare variant cover painted by John Watson for the Uncanny X-Men Omnibus hardcover book from 2006. In the same year, Marc Silvestri created his own zombie version for the X-Men: Deadly Genesis #1 miniseries…

Uncanny X-Men Omnibus cover variant X-Men: Deadly Genesis #1 cover

Finally, Steve McNiven offered up his own variation for Powerless #6 from 2005, the final issue of a miniseries focusing on what truly makes the hero, and last, but not least the Futurama Comics #8 parody from 2002…

Powerless #6 cover Futurama Comics #8 cover

Go Bender!

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16 years ago

Hey Dig, what did you think of the Wolverine novels ? I was thinking about picking them up at my local book store. Were any of them actually good ? I read the first chapter of Life Blood, and it wasn’t that great.

16 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions my friend. If I read any particular good ones, I’ll be sure to send you the names. As always, thank you for creating a master piece of Wolverine dedication and fandom. I’m sure the creators of our favorite mutant would be proud.

16 years ago

I haven’t read many of the Wolverine novels. I have my hands full just trying to keep up with the comics and this site!

Of the ones I have read, I can only recommend the short story from the Marvel Novel Series, ‘The Marvel Superheroes’ (Sept 1979).

16 years ago

Whoa. Epic update.

I love the additional covers. I haven’t seen most of these before, so I’m happy you updated this.

Very awesome. ^_____^

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