Classic Wolverine Covers: Incredible Hulk #181

From 2008 to 2009, Wolverine Files highlighted, in chronological order, iconic Wolverine covers and their homages. This is the very first installment…

Though Wolverine debuted on the final page of Incredible Hulk #180, his first cover appearance wasn’t until the following month, cover dated November 1974.

Herb Trimpe provided the art, based on designs by John Romita, Sr., and the rest, as we say, is history…

Wolverine Cover: Incredible Hulk #181

First up is the greatest tattoo ever! And here I thought I was a fan!

Hulk tattoo cover

Our first cover is an homage from Wild Thing #0 by Ron Frenz and Sal Buscema from 1999. Wild Thing is (will be?) the daughter of Wolverine and Elektra in the futuristic Marvel Universe of Spider-Girl (among others). The second is a stunning cover recreation by Arthur Adams from the collection of J. Michael Jackson. Wow!

Wild Thing #0 cover Incredible Hulk #181 cover by Arthur Adams

Next up is the double-size cover for The Incredible Hulk and Wolverine #1 by John Byrne from 1986, the first reprint of Wolverine’s initial appearance. Too bad Wolverine looks like Batroc

Incredible Hulk and Wolverine cover

Finally, the cover of Wolverine Battles the Incredible Hulk from 1989 reprints the above reprint, though I have no idea who the cover artist was. And last but not least, the cover to Incredible Hulk (vol. 2) #80 by Lee Weeks from 2005 recreating Wolverine’s first battle with the Hulk…

Wolverine Battles the Incredible Hulk cover Hulk #80 cover

Next Classic Wolverine Cover: Giant-Size X-Men #1

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16 years ago

I love how this costumed was revisited in later issues of Wolverine and The Hulk. They refuse to let us forget about the whiskers on his mask. Oh well, I guess it’s not so bad since his mask was remade when he joined the X-Men.

16 years ago

Great update. I love all the covers you put together that reference the original appearance. I look forward to these great updates with all of your other comic cover entries.

Terrific work mate. ^_^

Marvel Zombie covers should be popping up soon eh?

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