‘X-Force: Sex and Violence’ #1 Open Thread

X-Force: Sex and Violence #1 (preview)
Writer: Craig Kyle & Christopher Yost
Art: Gabriele Dell’Otto

From Marvel: “Just when you thought it was over, we pull you back in—it’s the X-Force story everyone’s been talking about, finally delivered! Wolverine and Domino have always had a special relationship, but everything goes upside down when the Assassins Guild puts out a hit on our gun wielding bombshell. Why do they want her dead? And more importantly, how many people have to die before Wolverine and Domino can spend some quality time together? Get ready for the sexiest blood-soaked ride Craig Kyle and Chris Yost have ever delivered as they join forces with international superstar Gabriele Dell’otto to offer up their final X-Force story!”

On sale July 14, 2010.

Kyle & Yost’s final X-Force story. A final hurrah or one story too many?

And if you haven’t picked up the issue, make sure to read the preview, linked next the series title above.

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14 years ago

For starters, Gabriele Dell’Otto’s art is spectacular, especially for those of us who like something different from time to time.

I am happy to see the Domino/Wolverine sexual tension being dealt with, though it will take another issue or two to see if the story is more than hack and slash.

And maybe because I used to drive a ’68 Mustang, but how many of those need to get totaled when Wolverine is at the wheel?

14 years ago

i’ve been waiting for this for more than a year already and i think it delivered. the only thing i didn’t like about it was x-23’s appearance, they could have done without it. or maybe it’ll be a factor in the next issues..

14 years ago

I enjoyed the heck out of it. It was finally a mature and violent story that will deal with the realities of the X-Force way of life. I loved how Wolverine withheld healing to make Domino open up and I think they are playing off each other very well. Add enough action to make anyone happy and I was impressed. This series is going to be quite a ride, I can already tell.

14 years ago

For me this book is like a Christmas present and birthday present rolled into one big sexual orgasm. I’ve wanted to read this book for what feels like a year now. Knowing that it’s finally being released , all I can say is that I am very happy. For once I have to say I agree with jrpbsp, this is the mature and violent story a title like X-Force needed.

14 years ago

lol what happened to his black gf from Aaron’s series?

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