Classic Wolverine Cover: Alpha Flight #13
From 2008 to 2009, Wolverine Files highlighted, in chronological order, iconic Wolverine covers and their homages. Want to start at the beginning? Click here…
After a tremendous run of covers in 1982 and 1983, Wolverine hit a dry spell in 1984 and 1985. So I humbly present the only good Wolverine cover of 1984: Alpha Flight #13 by John Byrne (with inks possibly by Bill Sienkiewicz and/or Al Milgrom).
What’s even sadder is Wolverine’s appearance is only a dream. That said, I do enjoy how John Byrne uses elements within his artwork for editorial purposes, such as the gravestones for all the artists involved in this particular cover…
Next up are two examples of the sort of love that Wolverine was receiving around this time. Note the wonderful depiction of the back of Wolverine’s head…
We continue with examples of the sort of crappy covers Wolverine had to endure when artists did deign to use the front of his mask…
And when the covers weren’t crappy, Wolverine was having his lunch handed to him by Spider-Man and Firestar.
I mean, come on. Firestar?!?
Finally, even when Wolverine did get a little love, such as in the ‘Kitty Pryde and Wolverine’ miniseries, he was saddled with a series of horrendous covers by Allen Milgrom, such as the two below.
Curse you, Allen Milgrom!
Previous Classic Wolverine Cover: Uncanny X-Men #173 | Next: Uncanny X-Men #196
Want to see the Classic Wolverine Covers from the beginning? Start here…
We debated that Daredevil cover for weeks. It might be the worst Wolverine cover of the 80s, if not all time.
Well, seven out of eight ain’t bad!
As for the Micronauts cover, it just never worked for me. Michael Golden was such a dynamite artist at the time and that cover seemed so sub-par for him.
That cover DareDevil 196 was the first time DD and Wolverine met. The 2nd time would not be so friendly as DD, aked by the girlfriend,s killer (or his wife, I don’t remember exactly) tries to protect a killer who kills gifted mutants (gifted as musician or painter) while Wolverine tries to avoid more mutant killings. At the end DD will recognize his mistakes.
Did you notice that the claws look like they are coming out of wolvie’s palm on the DD cover?
Okay, that Daredevil cover is AWESOME.. despite the fact that Wolverine’s boots look like they’re about to impale his crotch. Okay I’m lying.
But why don’t you like his depiction on the Micronauts cover? The mask is kind of devilish looking but I don’t think it’s bad (unlike Wolvie’s arms on Kitty Pryde # 6 –are those Puck’s arms attached to Logan’s body?)
Wolverine’s hands are palm up in the Daredevil cover. The colorist on the issue messed up and colored his thumb the same color as the ripped part of the shirt. If you look in the E of the title logo part of DEVIL you will see his thumb there but miscolored.
Wow. How could I miss this?
That Daredevil cover is hysterical!!!
I guarantee you that Bill Sienkiewicz and Al Milgrom had nothing to do with that Alpha Flight cover. It’s just John Byrne putting their names on the headstones as an in-joke.
Can’t really argue with you.
I think I based their inclusion on the entry from the Marvel Wikia of Alpha Flight 13 (see
Al Milgrom, such a gifted inker, such a crappy penciller. Can’t believe it took him and Marvel years to find out inking was his thing.