Classic Wolverine Cover: Uncanny X-Men #173

From 2008 to 2009, Wolverine Files highlighted, in chronological order, iconic Wolverine covers and their homages. Want to start at the beginning? Click here…

Uncanny X-Men #173 by Paul Smith continued a remarkable run of tremendous Wolverine covers in 1982 and 1983. Unfortunately, as will be seen next week, this cover also marked the end of that remarkable run…

Wolverine Covers: Uncanny X-Men #173

Next up is an unused cover sketch by Paul Smith for Uncanny X-Men #173 that, for the life of me, I can’t remember where it is from. If anyone knows the owner of this particular piece, please let me know so I can get official approval for its use…

Uncanny X-Men #173 cover sketch

In the issue itself, we finally return to Logan’s impending marriage to Mariko. Unfortunately, Jason Wyngarde as Mastermind brainwashes Mariko into calling off the wedding during the ceremony. When Logan asks for an explanation, Mariko responds with the classic line that cuts Logan deeper than any blade could, “Because gaijin, you are not worthy.”

The final panel poignantly shows Logan’s response…

Uncanny X-Men #173 final panel

And finally, the little known 1992 cover to X-Men Classic #77 with a neat role reversal of Rogue and Wolverine by Adam Hughes, who may be best known, as Wikipedia puts it, for “his voluptuous, pinup-style female characters.”

X-Men Classic #77

Previous Classic Wolverine Cover: Uncanny X-Men #172 | Next: Alpha Flight #13

Want to see the Classic Wolverine Covers from the beginning? Start here…

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15 years ago

Cool alternate covers! I’ve never seen them before.

Thanks for sharing!

15 years ago

I never much liked how Logan never got revenge on Mastermind for screwing up his wedding day.

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