Wolverine Files Update XXXI: Team X Beginnings Updated!

Wolverine ChristmansAs a Christmas Eve treat, I figured I would reveal yet another Wolverine Chronology update with 011: Team X Beginnings.

I’ve also renumbered the later chapters (due to the condensing of the two Canadian Intelligence chapters into one) to avoid any further confusion.

My goal is to get the chronology updated through Days of Future Past in time for the X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie.

Not sure if I will make it, but that’s the goal.

In the meantime, I will have a Wolverine News update on Christmas Day, a review of Wolverine: Origins #31 up on Friday, and a Week-in-Review live over the weekend.

So to all the Wolverine fans out there, Merry Christmas!





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16 years ago

Merry Christmas DiG.

It’s been great checking up on your site this past year. I’m very thankful for being able to visit such a wonderful site. I look forward to another year of conversations and reading your articles. You are a really great guy.

Take care of yourself and keep up the great work.


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