Wolverine Movie News: All-New Pics (and a First Look at Gambit)

With X-Men Origins: Wolverine opening May 1 next year, I figured it was time to start a weekly roundup of the latest Wolverine Movie News…

So to start things off, Marvel.com boasts eight new X-Men Origins: Wolverine photos including Taylor Kitsch as Gambit. This is followed by four more online reports…
– ScreenRant.com: More details on Gambit
– ComicBookMovie.com: Empire Magazine Wolverine Cover
– Moviehole: Hugh Jackman May Walk Away from Wolverine
– MTV’s Splash Page: Or May Do a Sequel in Japan

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16 years ago

I really hope this does well then. I would really like to see a sequel take place in Japan. -keeps fingers crossed-

16 years ago

I’ll be going a few times even if it royally sucks, just to make sure that we get a sequel.


16 years ago

I really hope those rumors become true then. Cause seeing Cyber would be so kickass.

I admire Jackman’s passion. He is a really good actor for Wolverine. I hope he stays with the character.

16 years ago

Wolverine the video game. LINK ONE LINK TWO “We have an amazing team with Raven Studios at the helm, creating what will undoubtedly be the quintessential, true-to-character Wolverine video game experience that fans have been craving,” said Rob Kostich, vice president, global brand management, Activision Publishing, Inc. “X-Men Origins: Wolverine amps up the action by bringing to life Wolverine’s wholly unique skills such as his brute strength, regenerative mutant abilities, and indestructible adamantium claws and skeleton in an immersive experience that is fitting to one of the most enduring and popular characters of all time.” X-Men Origins: Wolverine is an… Read more »

16 years ago

Read an thing on superherohype that they are already talking sequal and that both Creed and Cyber will be in it. May be true may not be so take with a grain.

16 years ago

Trailer to the Wolverine movie:


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