Wolverine Week-in-Review: Manifest Destiny, First Class and More

Aside from Secret Invasion (see review and open thread), Wolverine made appearances in six other issues this week (December 4, 2008) as well as two pseudo appearances…

Weapon X: First Class #2 coverWeapon X: First Class #2 (preview)
“Bad to the Bone”
Writer: Marc Sumerak
Penciler: Mark Robinson; Inker: Robert Campanella

Writer: Marc Sumerak
Artist: Tim Seeley

If you liked the original ‘Weapon X’ story by Barry Windsor-Smith, you will get a real kick out Marc Sumerak’s handling of this miniseries. And the additional details about Carol Hines is a nice touch, adding even more humanity to a sympathetic but vastly underdeveloped character.

As for the Deadpool backup story, it is screamingly funny.



Wolverine: Manifest Destiny #2 coverWolverine: Manifest Destiny #2 (preview)
“Black Dragon Death Squad to the Edge of Panic”
Writer: Jason Aaron
Penciler: Steve Segovia
Inker: Noah Salonga & Steve Segovia

Jason Aaron is clearly enjoying himself as he drops Wolverine into a classic kung fu story complete with over the top henchmen, a hero forced to confront his arrogance, and a wise old mentor who will help the hero see the light.

And Wolverine really gets his ass handed to him.

Not to be missed…

Cable #9 (preview)
“Little Triggers”
Writer: Duane Swiercznski
Artist: Ariel Olivetti

Wolverine and X-Force guest star in this intriguing continuation of the Messiah Complex

Secret Invasion #5 coverSecret Invasion #5 (no preview)
Writer: Brian Reed
Penciler: Marco Castiello

Wolverine barely cameos inside in a story that surprisingly has more heart than Secret Invasion #8. And frankly, the entire Giant-Wasp sequence is much easier to follow under Marco Castiello’s deft touch…

What If? House of M (preview)
“What If… Scarlet Witch Ended the ‘House of M’ by Saying, ‘No More Powers?'”
Writers: Brian Reed & Jim McCann
Penciler: Paolo Pantalena; Inkers: Crime Lab Studios (Allen Martinez, Victor Olazaba & Danny Miki) with Scott Hanna & Andrew Pepoy

Dreadful. Simply dreadful…



Wolverine/Power Pack #2 coverWolverine/Power Pack #2 (no preview)
“Kickin’ It Old School”
Writer: Marc Sumerak
Artist: Gurihiru

As much as I enjoyed the first issue, I can’t really say the same for this weak outing. And even though this isn’t the primary Marvel Universe, I can’t tell you how creepy it is to see Kitty Pryde alive and well…

New Exiles #15 (no preview)
Writer: Chris Claremont
Artist: Tim Seeley

In a vision, we get a brief glimpse of a female version of Wolverine. A genuinely dreadful series since Chris Claremont took over…

And while Wolverine doesn’t appear in X-Men Noir #1 (see preview), it seems his handiwork does in this terrific offbeat issue by Fred Van Lente and Dennis Calero…

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16 years ago

I’m really liking Wolverine’s Manifest Destiny, it’s so good that it really can stand alone and separate from the other Manifest Destiny titles. It think Secret Invasion: Front Line was just a cover title right? I flipped through it and didn’t see any immediate Wolverine appearances. Though I must admit that the story looked a hell of a lot more emotional and interesting then the main Secret Invasion book. Maybe it’s because it involved the perspective of the humans and not the super heroes. I might go and look at the other front line books just to see if they… Read more »

16 years ago

Wolverine cameos on the extreme left of the splash page…

16 years ago

he’s not in Xmen Noir…yet…heh heh

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