Wolverine News: Original Sin Starts Wednesday

X-Men: Original Sins promotional art

X-Men: Original Sin officially kicks off on Wednesday — above is the special promotional ad for the Wolverine crossover. We also have a sneak preview of Wolverine: Manifest Destiny coming later in the month and as always, online previews of the probable Wolverine appearances this week…

-X-Men: Original Sin #1 (preview): Wolverine storyline kicks off…
-Avengers/Invaders #5 (preview): Wolverine gets some dialogue…
-Marvel Zombies 3 #1 (preview): Not sure when Wolverine will appear, but Fred Van Lente (from Wolverine: First Class) is the writer…

New Exiles #12 Review: No Longer the Best There Is…

New Exiles #12 coverNew Exiles #12
“Wild Child!”
Writer: Chris Claremont
Penciler: Paco Diaz Luque; Inker: Norberto Fernandez

When I was first introduced to Wolverine, Chris Claremont was writing some of the best X-Men stories ever done. Between his scripts and John Byrne’s artwork, the duo created the Golden Age of X-Men comics, offering up iconic Wolverine moments issue after issue that, frankly, are the reason I still read Wolverine comics today.

Hell, they are the reason this website exists.

So for me, it is especially sad to see Chris Claremont as a mere a caricature of himself as he writes New Exiles. The overwhelming amounts of exposition, page after page of heavy dialogue, the same cast of characters, the overuse of the word “boss”.

Thankfully, the dreadful Hydra Wolverine saga comes to a close this issue so I won’t have to continue witnessing how far a giant of comics has fallen.

Have you read this issue? Share YOUR thoughts below…

From Marvel (preview): “Another double-dose of dimensional deeds dives your way this month! First, in issue 12, Sabretooth and Cat finish their face-off against Madame Hydra and her evil band of crosstime killers. Then, as a new arc begins in issue 13, the Exiles deal with the fallout of their last two missions…oh, and that pesky impending End of All that Is, the death and destruction of the OmniVerse! It’s a double-barreled confrontation that not all of them may survive.” On sale October 1, 2008.

Cable #7 Review: Now With X-Force!

Cable #7 coverCable (Vol. 2) #7
‘Waiting for the End of the World
Chapter One: The Last Place on Earth’
Writer: Duane Swierczynski
Artist: Ariel Olivetti

If, like me, you are only interested in Wolverine’s four-page cameo, then read it in its entirety in this preview from Marvel.com.

Pretty cool, eh?

Anyone reading this series full-time? Is it any good? Let us know in the comments below…

From Marvel (preview): “When Bishop travels back to the present in search of intel that will aid his search for Cable and the mutant baby, he’s intercepted by the X-Force! With Cyclops eagerly waiting to interrogate his former comrade, it would appear that the game is over for the time-traveling cop. So why is Bishop smiling? What trick does he have up his sleeve? And what does this mean for Cable and the baby?” On sale October 1, 2008.

Marvel Apes #3 Review: Comedy or Horror?

Marvel Apes #3 coverMarvel Apes #3
“Gorilla Warfare”
Writer: Karl Kesel
Artist: Ramon Bachs

“The Official History of the Marvel Apes Universe, Part 3: When Simians Persist in Clashing”
Writer: Tom Peyer
Pencils: Mike McKone; Inks: Lanning & Smith

I’m still having a hard time with this series. At times it wants to be a farcical comedy complete with stupid ape-names, bushels of bananas and other dumb sight gags, and at other times it wants to be a serious, scary and violent version of the Marvel Universe.

I, for one, think they need to pick one or the other, because this series just isn’t working for me the way it is (Wolverine tossing Dr. Bruce Bananner out of the back of the airplane notwithstanding).

Now if I were to make the call, I would choose the dark, violent and scary ‘Planet of the Apes’ meets ‘Lord of the Flies.’

Otherwise, all you have is a ‘Not Brand Echhh’ meets ‘Mad Magazine’ one-shot.

And this thing is four issue long.

What do YOU think ‘Marvel Apes’ should be? Funny, scary, both?

From Marvel (preview):
It’s Gorilla Warfare as the Simian Superheroes plot their primate plan against the human’s homeworld– and the only one who can stop them is… The Gibbon!?!
Good thing he has help from… Speedball??!!?!
We’re doomed…
Don’t miss the all-out ape action and primate (plus prosimian!) pandemonium in this– the must-read mini-series of the month! Be the envy of your friends as people ask: “Is that a copy of MARVEL APES in your pocket… or are you just happy to see me?” On sale October 1, 2008.

Wolverine TV: X-Men 05 – Captive Hearts

Wolverine Files features every Wolverine’s TV appearances in order, continuing with #7…

Captive Hearts, the fifth episode of the X-Men animated series, aired on January 30, 1993 and is a continuation from the previous episode, introducing the Morlocks into the X-Men animated series continuity.

On the downside, however, we do devolve into the soap opera of the Jean Grey-Logan-Cyclops love triangle. But on the bright side, when Callisto runs away during the fight sequence, Wolverine utters his classic line, “Oh, I love it when they play hard to get.”

<<< X-Men 04: Deadly Reunions | Next: X-Men 06: Cold Vengeance >>>

Ultimates 3 #5 Review: A Finale, Finally

Ultimates 3 #5 cover

Ultimates 3 #5
Writer: Jeph Loeb
Artist: Joe Madureira

At long last, the finale to Ultimates 3 arrives and we take another step towards Ultimatum.

And while this issue does wrap up most of the loose ends and provides answers to most of the outstanding questions in the series, Jeph Loeb continues to provide an unending dose of flippancy and dreadful dialogue that threatens to overwhelm the book.

Our favorite mutant gets some of the worst dialogue in the book — after Captain America decapitates his robot clone, Wolverine adds, “Way to dot the ‘i’, Cap.” And when Juggernaut proclaims that nothing can stop him, Wolverine resorts to a grade school response, “Last time I heard that one, I fell off my dinosaur.”


That said, the last page is a doozy.

From Marvel: “This is it, the ending you’ve been breathlessly waiting for! Who killed the Scarlet Witch — and why? The answers will rock you as the Ultimate Universe is about to explode! Betrayals, secrets, and even another murder are all laid bare as superstars Jeph Loeb, Joe Madureira and Christian Lichtner conclude Volume 3! But the next big Ultimates story is just beginning, as right around the corner is…Ultimatum!” On sale September 30, 2008.