Classic Wolverine Covers: Alpha Flight #17
From 2008 to 2009, Wolverine Files highlighted, in chronological order, iconic Wolverine covers and their homages. Want to start at the beginning? Click here…
December 1984 gave us Alpha Flight #17 with a stunning cover by John Byrne, a retelling of the classic X-Men #109, chronicling Wolverine’s first encounter with Weapon Alpha, better known as Vindicator (or the controversial Major Maple Leaf)…
First up is the breathtaking original John Byrne artwork to Alpha Flight #17 from the collection of John Bamber. This is followed by the original X-Men #109 cover by Dave Cockrum from February 1978…
Finally, we have the Arthur Adams cover to the Classic X-Men #16 reprint of X-Men #109 as well as the original artwork featuring the inimitable inking of Terry Austin from the collection of David Mandel…
Previous Classic Wolverine Cover: Marvel Tales #236 | Next: X-Men #112
Want to see the Classic Wolverine Covers from the beginning? Start here…
I always loved those covers. Thanks for reminding me DiG.
I want to buy every comic with wolverine and alpha flight. Who knows them or where i can get them? Email me at