Wolverine: Road to Hell & Wolverine #1 Open Thread

Wolverine: Road to Hell #1 (preview)
Writer: Jason Aaron
Pencils: Renato Guedes
Inks: Jose Wilson Magalhaes

From Marvel: “This September, Wolverine starts down the road to hell and we want to take you along for the ride…it all starts here! With all new material by the creative teams bringing you WOLVERINE, X-23, DAKEN: DARK WOLVERINE and X-FORCE, The Road to Hell is packed with clues and signposts to help you find your way through the brand-new launch of Wolverine’s own family of books!”

On sale September 1, 2010.

A tremendously powerful prologue for “Wolverine Goes to Hell”…



Wolverine #1 (preview)
Writer: Jason Aaron
Pencils: Renato Guedes
Inks: Jose Wilson Magalhaes

From Marvel: “Acclaimed author JASON AARON and superstar artist RENATO GUEDES (Action Comics, Adventures of Superman) launch an all-new ongoing Wolverine series as Wolverine goes to hell…literally! Someone’s out to destroy Wolverine-permanently-and they may have succeeded. But if Wolverine’s soul is in hell, how is his body terrorizing those closest to him?”

On sale September 1, 2010.

The first ten pages are outstanding, and the final two are close to brilliant.

I’m not sold yet on the new rogues gallery, though I do like that Wolverine prepared Melita for such an eventuality.

I may be most impressed with the comments from ‘Cutting Edge’ (last page of the issue) that Jason Aaron was the one to pitch and lay out this story.

I know it’s only the first issue, but I am very much looking forward to the ride.

What about the rest of you? As always, leave your comments below.

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14 years ago

The combination of the prologue, the issue itself, and cutting edge left me more satisfied and excited about the next part of a Wolverine story than I can remember being in recent memory. It’s just so much substantially better than what we’ve been getting and it felt like a real Wolverine comic for the first time in a very long time to me, and I was quite skeptical about the whole “going to Hell” concept, especially since he apparently only had one more chance to die before he did for good. I wonder if that will be explained at all,… Read more »

14 years ago

…and lol at Daken on the road to hell cover, he looks like ass, as usual.

JmH Reborn
14 years ago

It was ok…I wasn’t completely blown away. The ‘devil’ looked like a ‘Legend’ devil knock off, but the pace was on point…we were thrushed to the crux of the trouble from the gate and I enjoy that. I’m also glad that Melita finally showed back up because I’m not feeling her as a true 3D character and rather Wolverine be placed with Domino, so putting her back in the spotlight can only do good for her. Seeing Mystique is always a plus. Also, in regards to the art…I wished the main entree had some darker colors to match the story… Read more »

14 years ago

daken looks even weirder now..i like how the daken/x-23 mini-story in the road to hell fused the two arts of the different books..

i’m real excited about the cutting edge thing, i plan on sending some stuff there soon..i really think that jason aaron is a blessing to the wolverine books.

14 years ago

The Last Stand of the Silver Samurai, with Jason Latour’s beautiful artwork, should have been a stand alone issue.

Someone else is controlling Wolverine’s actions. Well, who is it this time?

14 years ago

haha good point Jude.

14 years ago

haha good point Jude.

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