X-Men Legacy #237 Open Thread

X-Men Legacy #237
Writer: Mike Carey
Pencils: Greg Land
Inks: Jay Leisten

From Marvel: “SECOND COMING, CHAPTER TWELVE: X-Force cuts their way through a dangerous future trying to cut off Bastion’s armies at the source. They better hurry as the X-Men in the present are falling left and right.”

On sale June 23, 2010.

Share your thoughts on Second Coming, Chapter 12.

Satisfying or letdown?

And if you haven’t picked up the issue, make sure to read the preview, linked next the series title above.

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14 years ago

This issue has its moments. Magneto definitely rocks the house.

But I don’t really buy how Mastermold is defeated. I mean, it requires a big dose of stupidity on Mastermold’s part — and ends so abruptly.

Boom. Done.

We also have the stage set for a rather obligatory ending — overcoming impossible odds and facing down the master villain in a winner takes all.


Wake me up in two weeks when it’s over.

Anyone else?

14 years ago

I haven’t had time to hit the LCS…but Second Coming has bored me to tears…so many plot holes…poor art (aside from X-Force and New Mutants) and just overall repeat storys…

How mutants are standing up to Nimrods…its beyond me…as the point has been made a million times over, back when a whole squad of seasoned X-Men have had trouble with just one…oh well…it started off amazing and then quickly fizzled off

14 years ago

i’m actually enjoying this series, the only thing i don’t like about it is that there’s been too many filler issues..

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