Wolverine News: Wolverine #1 & X-Men #1 Sneak Previews
We are playing catch up this week with some Wolverine news, previews and, of course, this week’s probable appearances…
–Wolverine #1 Sneak Preview from Newsarama (details)
–Marjorie Liu & Daniel Way Interview with CBR (details)
–X-Men #1 Sneak Preview also from CBR (details)
Don’t forget to add your thoughts in the comments below on any Wolverine appearances from last week that we may have missed…
Finally, here are the probable/possible Wolverine appearances for this week (6/23/10)…
–Avengers #2 (preview): The Avengers take on Kang…
–Hulk #23 (preview): World War Hulk rages on…
–Marvel Adventures Spider-Man #3 (preview): Spider-Man tries to follow Wolverine for a day…
–Wolverine Origins #49 (preview): Wolverine looks towards the future…
–Wolverine Weapon X #14 (preview): The battle for the soul of Deathlok…
–X-Men Legacy #237 (preview): Second Coming, Chapter 12 — X-Force strikes…