‘Astonishing X-Men: Xenogenesis’ #1 Open Thread

Astonishing X-Men: Xenogenesis #1 (preview)
Writer: Warren Ellis
Art: Kaare Andrews

From Marvel: “THE HEROIC AGE IS HERE! The superstar team of Warren Ellis and Kaare Andrews (SPIDER-MAN: REIGN) take X-Men into the Heroic Age! Something’s happening in the tiny East African city of Mbangwi. Something that requires immediate investigation. A newborn sprouts metal electrodes and explodes, taking out an entire hospital. Is this the first wave of mutant rebirth that the X-Men have been praying for…or something very, very different? Something sinister?”

On sale May 12, 2010.

Share your thoughts on the brand-new Astonishing X-Men storyline, complete with Emma Frost’s incredibly lumpy butt…

And if you haven’t picked up the issue, make sure to read the preview, linked next the series title above.

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14 years ago

Fascinating, fascinating issue. On one hand, this is a parody of the X-Men, skewering the classic X-Men characters most effectively. Emma Frost gets taken apart for her “fake” British accent and huge breasts. While this tack might turn off many fans, I find the comedy dead on and most enjoyable (Emma having to drape her breasts over the back of the seat as she talks to Wolverine is quite funny). On the other hand, Ellis gives a fascinatingly brutal history lesson of Africa, one that is quite accurate, but not exactly politically correct. Not something I expect to see in… Read more »

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