Open Thread: Uncanny X-Men First Class #8

Uncanny X-Men First Class #8 (Preview)
Writer: Jeff Parker
Artist: Fernando Blanco

From Marvel: “BEGORAH! The Classic All-New, All-Different X-Men travel with the Banshee back to the rolling green hills of Ireland! Murder most foul has struck the haunted halls of Cassidy Keep, and only our uncanny heroes can solve it. What makes this mystery so very unusual? The victim…is a Leprechaun! Join the strangest heroes of all in the strangest whodunit of all!”

On sale February 10, 2010.

Share your thoughts on the final issue of the series in the comments below. And if you haven’t picked up the issue, make sure to read the preview, linked next the series title above.



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15 years ago

Due to the snow, I still have not been able to pick up this issue. Anyone out there have any thoughts on the series finale?

15 years ago

Due to the snow and a con this weekend I am working, probably won’t be able to get it until late Sunday or even Monday. Damn thee snow!!

15 years ago

I picked it up and have to say that it really wasn’t needed. After doing a series based around an interstellar threat, this issue seemed to just be tacked on because they had to use it somewhere. It wasn’t a completely worthless and useless comic like Wolverine: Savage though. I must say though that Wolverine did sum it up right while fighting leprechauns, pixies, goblins and wood nymphs. “This is the dumbest fight I’ve ever been in.”

15 years ago

I finally got a copy today. I have to agree with Comusiv, not a very strong finale for the series.

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