Wolverine News & Preview (01/27): The Future of Daken?

ComicBookResources.com interviews Jason Aaron about ‘Wolverine: Weapon X’, among other things (details)…

And IGN.com interviews Daniel Way and Marjorie Liu , revealing the future of ‘Dark Wolverine’ (details)…

As for probable/possible Wolverine appearances this week (1/27/09), we have previews of…

Marvel Adventures Spider-Man #59 (preview): Yet another Marvel Adventures continuity…
Wolverine: Origins #44 (preview): Wolverine rescues Ruby Thursday this Wednesday…
Wolverine: Wendigo (preview): Digital Exclusive finally sees print…
X-Babies #4 (preview): Danger, Will Robinson, Danger…
X-Force #23 (preview): X-Necrosha continues (part 4 of 6)…

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14 years ago

I wonder if the newest issue of Weapon X is a reason they delayed X-Force: Sex and Violence. I know I’m reaching out here, but with all the commitment in issue #10, it would be kind of screwed up to see Logan sleeping with Domino.


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