Wolverine News & Previews (01/20): Wolverine Sequel to Shoot in 2011?
MTV reports that the sequel to ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’ looks to begin shooting in 2011, based on the classic ‘Wolverine’ mini series by Chris Claremont and Frank Miller (details)…
And Marvel.com interviews Daniel Way and Marjorie Liu on the ‘Dark Wolverine’-‘Wolverine: Origins’ crossover that is slated to conclude several storylines slated for later in the year (details)…
As for probable/possible Wolverine appearances this week (1/20/09), we have previews of…
–Dark Wolverine #82 (preview): Siege tie-in for Daken…
–Uncanny X-Men #520 (preview): Wolverine and Fantomax…
–Wolverine: Weapon X #9 (preview): ‘Insane in the Brain’ concludes…