Wolverine Files Update XXXVIII: Welcome to WolverineFiles.com
As you may have noticed, the Wolverine Files website was down for much of Saturday.
Unfortunately, this has become an all-too-frequent occurrence.
When I launched Wolverine Files on a whim back in 2005, it was as part of my personal website, TypingMonkeys.com.
Not sure who to use as my provider, I chose ValueWeb.
Big mistake.
For some reason, their SQL databases are horrendously slow and prone to crashing for hours at a time.
Well, I finally purchased WolverineFiles.com through GoDaddy earlier in the year when we launched the forums.
But it was last night when I snapped and moved the entire website (save for a few older pages) from TypingMonkeys.com (and ValueWeb) to WolverineFiles.com (and GoDaddy).
One hopes, the transition will be seamless as I used 301 redirects to map the old site to the new.
But if you happen to notice a broken link or something screwy, please don’t hesitate to contact me at dig@wolverinefiles.com, leave a comment below or in this forum thread.