Classic Wolverine Cover: Uncanny X-Men #167

From 2008 to 2009, Wolverine Files highlighted, in chronological order, iconic Wolverine covers and their homages. Want to start at the beginning? Click here…

Ever since they first appeared in Giant-Size X-Men #1, the New X-Men (as they were known in the seventies and eighties) were drawn by either Dave Cockrum or John Byrne. Sure there were a few fill-in artists for annuals and such, but these two artists and writer Chris Claremont were the caretakers of the New X-Men for a good seven years.

Think about that.

Three creators solely in charge of the entire mutant universe for SEVEN years.


So back in 1982, when a new artist was announced for Uncanny X-Men #165, the fans stood up and took note.

Luckily for us, it was Paul Smith.

Paul Smith’s first cover to give prominence to Wolverine was the final issue of the year-long Brood saga and featured the entire New X-Men team mourning (not for the last time), the death of Professor Charles Xavier….

Wolverine Covers: Uncanny X-Men #167

Next up is the equally impressive but little noticed reprint cover by Adam Hughes who may be best known, as Wikipedia puts it, for “his voluptuous, pinup-style female characters.”

Duh, right?

But in 1992, he was less well known and relegated to doing a series of covers for ‘X-Men Classic’. His cover for X-Men Classic #71, the reprint of Uncanny X-Men #165, may have been his best…

X-Men Classic #71 cover

Finally, on the left is Paul Smith‘s first Wolverine cover, Uncanny X-Men #166, with a mask-less Wolverine in the corner. And on the right is the X-Men Classic #66 reprint of the same issue, this time featuring the final ‘X-Men Classic’ cover by Mike Mignola

Uncanny X-Men #166 cover X-Men Classic #70 cover

Previous Wolverine Cover: Uncanny X-Men #162 | Next: Wolverine #1 (Limited Series)

Want to see the Classic Wolverine Covers from the beginning? Start here…

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16 years ago

Does anyone else have fond memories of Adrian Corbo (AKA Flex) from Alpha Flight. It was more than strongly hinted that the insecure passive kid with the uber violent powers was Wolvie’s kiddo. He was raised in an orphanage with his half brother. His total lack of bravado and huge insecurities would play well with his Dad’s ultra macho “best there is…” motto. He’s maybe a little old for the New X-men (around 16 – 18), but would fit in perfectly with the B Squad. I could see him being an interesting pair with Anole. Maybe it’s just me, but… Read more »

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