Wolverine Week-in-Review: First Class, X-Force, Ultimate X-Men

Aside from Wolverine: Origins #30 (see review), Wolverine appeared in three other issues as well as one cover-only appearance this week (November 26, 2008)…

Wolverine: First Class #9 coverWolverine: First Class #9 (preview)
Writer: Fred Van Lente
Artist: Francis Portela

I really liked this issue. The artwork is outstanding, the story well-written, funny and surprising substantial. If only more comics were like this…

X-Force #9 (preview)
Writers: Craig Kyle & Christopher Yost
Art: Mike Choi

Domino joins the fun in this blood-filled issue that includes an army of Sabretooth clones. How the hell do you kill an army of Sabretooth clones?

Best line of the issue, “If you die, take one of them with you.”



Secret Invasion: X-Men #4 coverUltimate X-Men #98 (preview)
Writer: Aron E. Coleite
Penciler: Mark Brooks; Inker: Karl Story

An Ultimatum crossover. And not a very good one.

Wolverine barely cameos in only two panels and not a single word of dialogue…

Secret Invasion: X-Men #4 (preview)
Cover: Terry Dodson, Rachel Dodson and Justin Ponsor

Wolverine is front and center on the cover, but nowhere to be found in this four-issue series.

I hate when Marvel does that…



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16 years ago

To be fair theyve been saying from the beggining hes not in it, if covers cont as appearences in your mind, well mavel aint responsible for that

16 years ago

Whatever happened to the Wolverine manga? Did it get canceled or something ?

Link: http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b397/gabrielzero/WOLVERINE-char_design_logancopy-sma.jpg

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