Wolverine: Manifest Destiny #1 Review

Wolverine: Manifest Destiny #1 coverWolverine: Manifest Destiny #1
Writer: Jason Aaron
Artist: Stephen Segovia

Jason Aaron, writer of the the highly entertaining ‘Get Mystique’ storyline, returns with Wolverine: Manifest Destiny and once again, he does not disappoint.

It’s yet another fun romp through Wolverine’s past, this time in San Francisco’s Chinatown concerning a mysterious event from 50 years ago. And as usual with Jason Aaron, it starts off with a rousing first issue.

It has a nice feel to it as well – very much like the kung fu movies from the 1970s it seems to be channeling. And the background flourishes are a nice treat for readers like me who enjoy reading through an issue several times to try and catch all the nuances.

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From Marvel (preview): “The X-Men have arrived in San Francisco—but Wolverine finds he’s left more than his heart there! Something happened in Chinatown more than 50 years ago…something that the people there still have not forgotten. And now Logan finds himself a marked man, pursued by fighters from every dojo in town–not to mention the mystical warriors of the criminal Triad and their merciless leader…who just happens to be Logan’s ex-girlfriend. Guess you shoulda stayed in New York, huh bub?” On sale October 22, 2008.

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16 years ago

Good story line.

I’m always a fan of these type of stories. Plus the art work is just badass.

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