Uncanny X-Men #502 Review: More Models, More White Teeth
Uncanny X-Men #502
“Beginning to See the Light”
Writer: Matt Fraction and Ed Brubaker
Penciler: Greg Land; Inker: Jay Leisten
Let me state at the beginning that Greg Land’s Victoria’s Secret-style artwork just doesn’t work for me.
All the smiles with shockingly white teeth, all the fashion model posing with impeccable makeup and hair, and all the B&D and stiletto heels only serve to detract, quite dramatically, from what might not have been a bad story by Matt Fraction.
On the plus side, we do get several very cool Wolverine moments, but as a one-time owner of a 1968 British-Racing Green Ford Mustang, let me assure you that Wolverine’s “Masarati” is most definitely a classic Mustang.
Have you read this issue? Share YOUR thoughts below…
From Marvel (preview): “The hunters become the hunted as the X-Men let the Hellfire Cult know they won’t be going down without a fight. Beast brings a special guest star to visit the Cult’s latest victim. Cyclops and Karma chalk up a victim of their own. Nightcrawler’s extracurricular activities are brought to light. And learn, for the first time, what Wolverine listens to while fixing his car. All this and the team leaps into battle against the Cult in a full-frontal assault…the prize, San Francisco!” On sale September 17, 2008.