Sales Analysis: ‘Astonishing X-Men’ #1-24 (and Giant-Size)

“More charts! More charts!”

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Astonishing X-Men sales

The ‘Astonishing X-Men’ run by Joss Whedon and John Cassaday (through issue 24 and the Giant-Size finale) kicked off with unbelievable first issue sales of 209,389 in May 2004 before plateauing to still impressive numbers (between 120,000 and 140,000) for most of its run.

And despite a slight downturn to 105,508 to wrap things up, overall sales were fairly consistent considering only 25 issues came out over the course of four years.

Compare that to other titles during the same period and ‘Astonishing X-Men’ proved to be quite… uh… astonishing.

Actual data comes from the monthly top 300 charts generated by

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16 years ago

I wonder if part of the reason for it’s success was because of all the Joss Whedon fans ? I know the opinions on this were fairly mixed. A lot of people loved it like myself, and there were a good portion of fans who felt the series was horrible.

As always keep up the good work DiG. I enjoy these charts very much.

15 years ago

It was pretty good and it since it the entire run took place in like a week of comic time right before Messiah Complex it actually fit. Now with Astonishing 25 it makes no fucking sense and it contradicts Uncanny 500 which is in the same place and same time…who is on which team and why are some ppl missing on each team?! what is going onnn?!?!

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