Review: Uncanny X-Men #494

Uncanny X-Men #494 coverUncanny X-Men #494
“Messiah CompleX, Chapter Ten”
Writer: Ed Brubaker
Penciler: Billy Tan; Inker: Danny Miki with Allen Martinez

‘Messiah CompleX’ is now starting to feel like one of those cartoons where a whole bunch of characters beat each other up for some prize. Just when someone thinks they’ve won, he gets hit in the head with a frying pan. I’ve seen it on Tom & Jerry, Bugs Bunny and the Pink Panther.

Well, welcome to the X-Men version of the same game. Only without the humor.





Review: Exiles: Days of Then and Now

Exiles: Days of Then and NowExiles: Days of Then and Now
Writer: Mike Raicht
Penciler: Carlos Ferreira among many others
Inker: Terry Pallot among many others

Here is another series that I thoroughly enjoyed. Note my use of past tense.

But when Chris Claremont took over the series, he took all the fun out of it. Instead of the wild and crazy escapades across a multitude of “What If” universes (and more recently a world tour across memorable alternate universes), we have more mutant angst.

Like we don’t have enough of that in Marvel Comics.

So this odd little one-shot written by Mike Raicht apparently sets the stage for the ‘New Exiles’ debuting later in January.

Why mention all that here? Wolverine cameos in the first two pages.


Welcome to Wolverine Files

Welcome to the Wolverine Files. Let me give you a quick tour around….

To the right is the Wolverine Files Chronology starting with 000: True Origin (newly updated) detailing the creation of Wolverine within Marvel Comics followed by 001: Wild Child chronicling Wolverine’s earliest days. Other chapters reveal Logan’s early life up through his time with the X-Men, Alternate Universe and Appearances in Publication Order. I am slowly transitioning chapters from my old website to this current format that allows reader comments, so please be patient as I make the switchover and add the latest revelations from Wolverine and Wolverine: Origins.

This is the Wolverine Files Blog featuring Wolverine news, reviews, previews and opinion as well as information on the most recent Wolverine Files updates.

Please have a look around and let me know what you think!


News: Marvel Previews for March 2008

Wolverine highlights for March 2008…

Secret Invasion
-Secret Invasion Saga: Very cool cover…
-New Avengers #39: Secret Invasion is here…

-Uncanny X-Men #496: Wolverine in Russia…
-X-Force #2: ‘It’s all-out war, with no quarter asked–and none given.’ Did someone ask for a quarter?
-Wolverine #63: ‘Messiah CompleX’ aftermath…

-Wolverine: Origins #23: Deadpool…
-Logan #1: Three-issue miniseries by Brian Vaughn…

Ultimate Universe
Ultimate X-Men #92: Ultimate Onslaught…
Ultimate Spider-Man #120: X-Men guest star…
-Ultimates 3 #4: Special guest Wolverine…

-Wolverine: First Class #1:
Looks like yet another new continuity…
-Marvel Adventures The Avengers #22:
Wolverine vs. Sabretooth…