News: Marvel Previews for March 2008
Wolverine highlights for March 2008…
Secret Invasion
-Secret Invasion Saga: Very cool cover…
-New Avengers #39: Secret Invasion is here…
-Uncanny X-Men #496: Wolverine in Russia…
-X-Force #2: ‘It’s all-out war, with no quarter asked–and none given.’ Did someone ask for a quarter?
-Wolverine #63: ‘Messiah CompleX’ aftermath…
-Wolverine: Origins #23: Deadpool…
-Logan #1: Three-issue miniseries by Brian Vaughn…
Ultimate Universe
–Ultimate X-Men #92: Ultimate Onslaught…
–Ultimate Spider-Man #120: X-Men guest star…
-Ultimates 3 #4: Special guest Wolverine…
-Wolverine: First Class #1: Looks like yet another new continuity…
-Marvel Adventures The Avengers #22: Wolverine vs. Sabretooth…
Logan 1 ? and Wolverine First Class 1 ? Wow , looks like I have to put to new Wolvie comics on my reserves list. Thanks for the thumbs up.