Wolverine Files and Facebook
A few months ago, I decided to test moving weekly Wolverine news and reviews to the Wolverine Files Facebook page (also displayed as a module on the right side of this page).
The upside for me was twofold. One, to expose Wolverine Files to a new audience on Facebook, something that has worked phenomenally well as we have over 5,700 Facebook fans to date. And two, to make it quicker for me to post Wolverine reviews and news (it takes me about a minute per post now versus the 15 minutes it took me on the website).
The downside, of course, is that while traffic is up on the website, the weekly posts on the website have dwindled to a few per month.
Unfortunately between work and several writing projects I am working on, I have come to the realization that in the coming months, this situation is only going to get worse.
So I need to announce that moving forward, ALL Wolverine news and reviews are moving to Facebook and that I will be making a concerted effort to complete the Wolverine Files chronology up through the end of the original Byrne-Claremont run. This will result also in a change to Wolverine Files homepage in the near future to focus entirely on the chronology itself.
The good news is that you can ‘Like‘ Wolverine Files in the Facebook module on the right and see those updates automatically on your daily Facebook news feed.
The bad news is that some of you don’t use Facebook, and for that I apologize. But if I am going to make a legitimate run at getting published, something had to give.
So let me take this opportunity to thank the many of you who have been here from the start and invite you to be as active as you have in the past on Facebook.