Wolverine Files Update XLIII: Wolverine Files on Facebook
You may have noticed the Facebook widget I recently added to the right side of this page.
That’s right, the black one.
Check it out — I’ll wait.
Pretty cool, right?
So here’s the deal. I am trying an experiment and am hoping you can help.
If you use Facebook, and let’s be honest, half the planet does, please click the ‘Like’ button in that box. That way, any updates I make on Facebook will automatically appear in your Facebook News Feed. Or you can follow this link and head over to that page right now.
This new setup allows me to publish previews, mini-reviews and Wolverine news quicker and more easily– as well as to give everyone the opportunity to comment more effectively or add their own posts and thoughts.
Why am I doing this? Well, I am really trying to focus on the Wolverine chronology — I have three chapters completely rewritten so far — and would love to spend less time publishing and more time writing.
Don’t worry — I’ll still publish reviews for the major Wolverine titles here: Wolverine, Wolverine and Jubilee, Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine, Wolverine: The Best There Is, etc., but I really need to shake things up if I am going to have enough time to do everything I am trying to work on.
Please let me know in the comments below if you DON’T use Facebook as I’d like to make this work for everyone. That said, if you do, please give this a shot as I have a hunch that this might end up being major improvement over the old system.
Don’t believe me? Just check out how many posts I generated in less than a week!
This will also give me time to move the site to a new hosting company so the load time doesn’t take forever AND I have quite a few pleasant surprises in store for everyone — including a sneak peak of a Wolverine script I’ve written.
I don’t do Facebook and I don’t “tweet.” Does this mean that this site will go elsewhere and the current Wolverine information I look for will be on some other “platform” ?
The chronology and major reviews will stay on this website. But the secondary reviews, previews and news will, at least during the test period, exist on on Facebook.
If you are not a member of Facebook, you can still read and click on the links either within the Facebook widget or here at:
Let me know if that works.
I think this is a really good idea for the site, it could definitely bring some new traffic for your community.
On the subject related to Facebook, you can do your part to bring back the animated Wolverine and the X-Men tv series.
Click the link to their facebook page and sign up! =)