Wolverine WrapUp (1/26): New and Adjectiveless Avengers

Avengers (2010) #9 coverAvengers #9 (preview)
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Penciler: John Romita, Jr.
Inker: Klaus Janson with Tom Palmer & Scott Hanna

From Marvel: “The Avengers team up with the incredible RED HULK as the Hood makes a crazy power move to bring the Infinity Gauntlet together once more. But the Hood has no idea the power he is toying with and who is coming to earth to challenge him for it. Another earth-shattering chapter of Avengers crazy by Bendis and Romita Jr! Plus: another illustrated chapter of the oral history of the Avengers!”

In stores January 26, 2011.

Wolverine doesn’t get to do much, but at least it’s clear he’s an integral part of the team unlike the other Avengers’ title out this week…

New Avengers (2010) #8 coverNew Avengers #8 (preview)
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Artist: Daniel Acuna

From Marvel: “Epic in scale and fraught with danger at every turn, Luke Cage and Jessica Jones face their most challenging adventure yet…a date?! Plus: another illustrated chapter of the oral history of the Avenger”

In stores January 26, 2011.

It’s all Luke Cage and Jessica Jones (again) as Wolverine barely cameos (again)…


Comusiv’s Completist Corner
Age of X Alpha: Age of X Wolverine in flashback…
-Blockbusters of the Marvel Universe #1: Sourcebook of major Marvel events…
-Captain America 70th Anniversary Magazine: Cover appearance only…


Major probable/possible Wolverine appearances for this week (02/02/11)…
Wolverine: The Best There Is #3 (preview): More senseless blood and gore…

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14 years ago

Other then the amazing Jason Aaron’s Wolverine Weapon X issue 10 one shot, I usually don’t care much for romance stories in comics. Every time Clint Barton and Mocking Bird got together in New Avengers I wanted to hurl. ( I was actually more of a fan of Clint and Echo getting together, which seemed possible in the early days of the New Avengers.) However I don’t feel the same as DiG regarding Luck Cage and his girl friend Jessica Jones. Somehow Brian Michael Bendis had sparked the same magical romantic charm that Jason Aaron has put in before. I… Read more »

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