Wolverine WrapUp (10/13): Shadowland #4

Shadowland 4Shadowland #4 (preview)
Writer: Andy Diggle
Pencils: Billy Tan
Inks: Victor Olazaba with Billy Tan

From Marvel: “The final battle for the soul of New York erupts in Hell’s Kitchen, and Daredevil is on the front lines… Hell, he IS the front line! Backed by the full power of the Hand, Daredevil is now more than a match for New York’s strongest heroes. With a new right-hand man, Matt Murdock will finally show those who stand against him what it truly means to be a Man Without Fear! ”

In stores October 13, 2010.

Wolverine finally appears and has a terrific confrontation with Daredevil…



Comusiv’s Completist Corner
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14 years ago

Strange Tales II #1 – See the effusive review. “Pain as life. The metaphor for Wolverine.” What do you think of the Rafael Grampa story of pain-whore Logan? Is this really THE story of Wolverine? Forcing a lover to torture him until she can’t take it anymore and leaves him?

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