Wolverine Week-52-in-Review: Better Late Than Never

Still playing catch up with the comics from over the holidays, so let’s start with the jrpbsp reviews…

  • ‘Wolverine: Weapon X’ #8 (review): Brain Power…
  • ‘Wolverine: Origins’ #43 (review): Swords and Schemes…
  • ‘Uncanny X-Men’ #519 (review): A Beastly Exit (sans Wolverine)…
  • ‘X-Men Legacy’ #231 (review): Reality Shift (Wolverine on cover only)…
  • ‘New Mutants’ #8 (review): Universal Language (sans Wolverine)…

As for other Wolverine appearances from the holidays, Wolverine guest starred in the “Assault on New Olympus” storyline from ‘Incredible Hercules’ #139 (preview). On that note, I should mention that Wolverine had a cameo on the final page of the ‘Assault on New Olympus’ One Shot (preview) that kicked off the storyline back in November…

Wolverine also appeared in a rather uninspiring ‘What If? Astonishing X-Men’ (preview), as a single-panel vision in ‘X-Men Forever’ #14 (preview) and on the cover only of ‘New Avengers’ #60 (preview)…

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15 years ago

I don’t know if these were brought up at all but there are a couple of other time wasters to add to the list of Wolverine appearances over the holidays. What If? Daredevil vs. Elektra and What If? Spider-man: House of M. Even in alternate universes Wolverine can’t be left to just take some time off.

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