Wolverine Week-41-in-Review: X-Babies. Really.

Wolverine appeared in THREE TITLES last week (October 7, 2009), the first reviewed by our very own jrpbsp, ‘Astonishing X-Men’ #31

And as usual, I share my curmudgeonly impressions for the rest of the Wolverine docket…

X-Men vs. Agents of Atlas #3 (preview)
Writer: Jeff Parker
Pencils: Carlo Pagulayan
Inker: Jason Paz

Nothing special in this Agents of Atlas-driven crossover.

I can’t seem to get excited about this supergroup from the 1950s and the X-Men characterizations by Jeff Parker seem to fall flat. And as usually happens in these crossovers, the X-Men are shown to be fighting like amateurs instead of the precision military team that I prefer from Joss Whedon’s Astonishing X-Men run.

Not bad, all in all, but as I say, nothing special either…

X-Babies #1 (preview)
Writer: Greg Schigiel
Illustrator: Jacob Chabot

I am done, officially done, with Wolverine crap like this. I used to take pride in collecting every single Wolverine appearance known to mankind, no matter how peripheral, but this issue is the epitome of why I can’t keep doing it anymore. And, it seems, the story takes place in continuity.

Perhaps I need to seriously consider the extremes of my Wolverine fanaticism.

As always, share your opinion in the comments below OR or simply join in on the fun at the Wolverine Files Forums

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15 years ago

One more to add onto the week. Deadpool #16. Thankfully it’s more than just a cameo but we’ve been down the “Deadpool wanting to be an X-Man” path before.

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