Wolverine Week-40-in-Review: Jeph Loeb Returns…

(Dark) Wolverine appeared in FOUR TITLES last week (September 30, 2009), plus we catch up on two appearances from the previous week.

So let’s get to the reviews by our very own jrpbsp

And as usual, I share my curmudgeonly impressions for the rest of the Wolverine docket…

Hulk #15 (details | thread)
Writer: Jeph Loeb
Pencils: Ian Churchill
Inker: Mark Farmer

Another Jeph Loeb monstrosity and the cartoony pencils by Ian Churchill only add to the misery.

Why Mssr. Loeb is allowed to get away with such corny, out-of-character dialogue is beyond me.

The X-23/Punisher confrontation is especially laughable.

So in a nutshell, caveat emptor…

Marvel Zombies Return #5 (details)
Writer: Fred Van Lente
Penciler: Wellington Alves
Inker: Scott Hanna

I like Fred Van Lente’s writing a lot, but it is time to put Marvel Zombies to rest. Mixing morality and zombies is a recipe for disaster and not the good kind of disaster either.

As the late Warren Zevon once wrote in ‘Life’ll Kill Ya’, “Requiescat in pace. That’s all she wrote.”

As always, share your opinion in the comments below OR or simply join in on the fun at the Wolverine Files Forums

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15 years ago

I found it especially disheartening in Marvel Zombies that we end up where we started so the whole thing becomes a giant infinite loop of silliness.

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