Wolverine Week-33-in-Review: Single-Page Cameo
Wolverine appeared in FOUR TITLES last week (August 12, 2009)…
So without further ado, lets get to the reviews by our very own jrpbsp…
- Uncanny X-Men #514: Wolverine Is All Wet…
- Uncanny X-Men: First Class #2: Inhuman Judgment…
- X-Men Forever #5: Very Limited Lives…
As usual, I will share my curmudgeonly impressions for the rest of the Wolverine docket, in this case…
Ms. Marvel #43 (preview)
Writer: Brian Reed
Artist: Sergio Arino
Wolverine gets a one-page cameo in this Ms. Marvel vs. Ms. Marvel fest.
Not a bad single-page cameo as far as single-page cameos go.
And for those of you keeping score at home, that single-page cameo would be on page eight.
We also had another new episode of ‘Wolverine and the X-Men’ this past Friday, Badland. Surprisingly amusing, this episode dealt with Sentinels infused with eau de Wolverine. For full details, see the Marvel.com preview…
As always, share your opinion in the comments below OR or simply join in on the fun at the Wolverine Files Forums…