Wolverine Files XXXV: License to Kill & Department H
Let me start by stating that I genuinely enjoy and appreciate any and all comments you all leave on these posts. It’s a little daunting at times to publish a chronology and a blog without hearing from the readers. So even if it’s just to say, “hey!” please do leave a note. And don’t forget to check out our growing Wolverine Forums!
Back to update, I am getting closer to finishing up the overhaul of the Chronology, making some minor changes to the existing chapters by adding…
–Uncanny X-Men #251 to 008: Ogun…
–Wolverine: Origins #30 to 010: Landau, Luckman and Lake (and Jasmine Falls)…
–Wolverine: First Class #5 to 019: The Hudsons…
–Marvel Comics Presents #1 moves to 007: The Thirties…
And finally, I’ve updated and launched new versions of…
–020: License to Kill
–021: Department H and Weapon X
So check them out and let us know what you think!
I with BlackDew. As a British user, I need this to let me know what’s going on with the Small Canadain
Keep this up.
I always keep a tab opened on this site on my browser; I like to read it it when I`m tired or things go bad…Logan`s “bring it on” attitude even when he is on his knees always turned my frown upside down as a kid and things haven`t really changed!
So, keep up the good work, it`s really appreciated (more than I can put in words).
Thank you for your comments.
This website and my enthusiasm for it would not exist without your kind patronage and even kinder words.
Well, if you want to hear how dependent I am on this site–I check it daily. Without fail. Sometimes more than once, though I’m not sure why, since you only update daily. Habit, I suppose.
I mentioned this site over at some boards, and you’re known and many people (myself included) stand in awe of the work you’ve compiled here. It’s amazing! I use it for references all the time.
That said, I’m off to read this stuff. Maybe I’ll pop by later today to leave my reaction.
Keep it up!