Wolverine News: ‘The Wolverine Files’ Gets Published… Sort Of…

Wolverine Files cover

Imagine my surprise when I stumbled across this product description for a book called ‘The Wolverine Files’ on Amazon.com…

Wolverine made his debut in the Marvel Comics world on the last page of Incredible Hulk #180 in 1974. In the stories that followed, the mystery of the mutant’s seemingly contradictory past intrigued and tantalised fans, as glimpses of his back story were revealed over three decades by a rotating cast of writers and artists. One thing was beyond doubt, however: with his animal-keen senses, retractable claws and sarcastic tongue the enigmatic hero rapidly became one of Marvel’s most popular creations. Now, The Wolverine Files presents the complete story of the character as never before, in files assembled by intelligence officers at Marvel’s Supreme Headquarters International Espionage Law-Enforcement Division. The meticulous research of S.H.I.E.L.D. shines through on every page of this magnificent chronicle, fully illustrated with rare Marvel artwork and bound in an eye-catching slipcase bearing the trademark three-pronged slash of Wolverine’s claws. Also included is a special top-secret string-bound envelope which holds pull-out original sketches and concept art by the Marvel masters who guided the character’s evolution. Authoritative and visually stunning, The Wolverine Files contains the full unexpurgated must-have saga of one of the comic world’s most fascinating creations.

Now take a look at what I wrote in the introduction of my Wolverine Files (reprinted below),  then reread the first few sentences of the product description (above). It’s okay. I’ll wait…

In late 1974, Wolverine made his first appearance in the Marvel Comics universe, debuting in the pages of The Incredible Hulk. In the stories that followed, the mystery of Wolverine’s seemingly contradictory past intrigued and infuriated fans alike, especially when tantalizing nuggets of his previous escapades were revealed over the course of 30 some years.

Don’t get me wrong. I am honored to have promotional text for a Wolverine publication be so similar to mine.


But as a friend of mine once said, “If I’m good enough to be copied, then I’m good enough to be published.”


Finally, Comics Previews of probable Wolverine appearances this week (coming out on Friday, January 2)…
– Wolverine #70 (preview): The secret of ‘Old Man Logan’ revealed…
– Wolverine: Manifest Destiny #3 (preview): More fun from Jason Aaron…
– Avengers/Invaders #7 (preview): Will Wolverine get to do something in this series?
– Ultimate X-Men #99 (preview): Penultimate issue…
– X-Force #10 (preview): Ghost Rider? Do we really need a Ghost Rider guest star?

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16 years ago

Christmas Day and New Year’s Day threw off the shipping dates.

16 years ago

I don’t mind at all.

I’m playing with their toys as it were.

But I wouldn’t mind getting my foot in the front door over at Marvel, be it as a shot at writing a Wolverine story (I have a script for a miniseries that I think is pretty good) or as a Wolverine-ologist.

16 years ago

WTF? Sue ’em! ;)


I wonder how well the inside lines up with your stuff.

Keep up the good work. You’re amazing.

16 years ago

Wait. Why are the comics coming out on *Friday* this week?

16 years ago

Script? You willing to share that? :D

If anyone out there deserves it, I’d say you do. I’m a Wolverine freak myself, and I use your site for references all the time.

If we bombarded them with emails for you, do you think you’d be noticed? ;)

Glenn Selser
16 years ago

A Wolverineologist, Hmmm that could be a pretty good job for you. Unfortunately for me there is not much call for Flamingologist Carrotologist.
Makes me think back to the time I went to Egypt and everyone I ran into was a Egyptologist. I came to undestand that Egyptologist was one of the two main degrees you could get at universities in Egypt (can’t remember what the other one was). So perhaps you could channel this to the academic level and become a Doctor of Loganology (since he was not always wolverine). I think we could get you tenure at UMD.

16 years ago

Ghost Rider is going to teach Warpath how to kill a demon. I think that is pretty cool stuff.

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