Wolverine News: X-Editors, Movie Reshoots and Previews…
From the ComicBookResources.com interview with the X-Editors:
“Wolverine: Weapon X” is designed to be new reader-friendly, but it’s also going to be doing a big part of defining what Wolverine is up to in San Francisco, when he’s not specifically doing X-Men things. We’ll probably be seeing some of his friends from the team showing up as the series goes on, but the supporting characters we’ll be bringing into “Weapon X” will be showing up in – and having an impact on – the other X-books.
With regards to “Wolverine: Origins,” we’ve been making a concerted effort to bring more into the X-Universe, which Daniel Way was really excited to do. You’ve seen the beginnings of that with the “Original Sin” story, which I think people really liked. As you stick around, the “Weapon XI” storyline will really prominently feature the X-Men – as in, a knock-down, drag-out fight between Daken and the X-Men. We’ll be seeing a lot more of the X-Men in ‘Origins.’
For a long time, it was important to establish a distinct identity for “Origins;” not that “Origins” didn’t tie-in before, but it really had to establish a distinct feel for itself. Now that we’ve got a solid mythology behind the book, we can play more with the other books without breaking down the core story that “Origins” exists to tell.
In X-Men Origins: Wolverine news, Hugh Jackman and the rest of the cast are returning to Vancouver for two weeks of reshoots (Aceshowbiz.com)…
And, of course, Comics Previews of probable Wolverine appearances this week…
– New Avengers #48 (preview): Bendis picks up the pieces from Secret Invasion…
– Wolverine: First Class #10 (preview): Werewolf by Night…
– Wolverine: Origins #31 (preview): Wolverine and Daken take on Cyber…
– Ultimatum #2 (preview): The end of Ultimate Universe continues…