X-Men: Legacy #218 Review: Original Sin, Part 4

X-Men: Legacy #218 coverX-Men: Legacy #218
‘Original Sin, Part 4’
Writer: Mike Carey
Penciler: Scot Eaton; Inker: Andrew Hennessy

Perhaps because I am more interested in this storyline for the secrets to be revealed than the story itself, I find myself getting increasingly frustrated with the lack of progress on that front.

We get exactly one page of flashback.

One page.

And it’s not even a very good page.

As for the rest of the issue, I found it to be fairly pedestrian in story, dialogue and art. A real trifecta.

The good news? The conclusion of ‘Original Sin’ arrives next week with Wolverine: Origins #30. Check out the preview.

Disagree? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

From Marvel (preview): “Wolverine and Professor X face off against an unholy alliance of enemies old and new, as Sebastian’s Shaw’s schemes come to fruition. But the greatest danger arises from the most unlikely source, as Xavier’s determination to atone for past sins takes him into Daken’s scarred and traumatized mind.” On sale November 19, 2008.

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