Sales Analysis: ‘Wolverine: Origins’ in Freefall

I think the above chart really says it all, but I’m going to blather on about it anyway.

On a lark, I decided to review sales for the various series that Wolverine stars in or appears in (data coming from the monthly top 300 charts generated by

Wolverine Origins sales through issue 25

As you can see, ‘Wolverine: Origins’ kicked off with an impressive 150,283 orders in April 2006 but has steadily plummeted over the course of the last two plus years (covering the first 25 issues of the run). In fact, the drop is so precipitous that the book, written by Daniel Way and illustrated by Steve Dillon, has lost a staggering two-thirds of its audience in that time.

As an aside, please let me know if you enjoyed this feature. I have sales data going back all the way to 2000 so I can do similar analysis to any number of Wolverine-related titles.

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16 years ago

I didn’t enjoyed this book because Way is “playing” with Wolverine’s past, we didn’t need Daken, and less Romulus

Tim Winfield
16 years ago

This is quite easily the best Wolverine comic going. It has completely revamped my interest in comics, the fight against Deadpool was amazing. The Old Man Logan is ok but not as good as this.

Glenn Selser
16 years ago

Can’t say this title really grabbed me and I am not surprised by the drop. I keep hearing about Daniel Way and how good he is, but he has done nothing for me. I do not think Dillion is a bad artist, but he does not sit well with me for some reason. I liked him in his early 2000 AD days, but all the projects he has been part of fall flat. Preacher, Later Animal Man, Hellblazer and this are all books that when he drew them were not very good. If he was on a book I thought… Read more »

16 years ago

Nice idea. Could you do another for the regular Wolverine series or New Avengers ? So we have something to compare this chart to ? Anyway , I’m sad about Origins. Yeah, I’m one of the few who collected it , read the trade paper backs , and I actually liked the idea of Romulus and Daken. And I really hope we at least get a ending from this story. If it goes unfinished , I might just stop collecting Wolverine comics all together. Yeah you might not like the story. But to invest all of your money into a… Read more »

16 years ago

Please post the sales data for other titles.

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