Review: Wolverine: Origins #25
Wolverine: Origins #25
“The Deep End, Conclusion”
Writer: Daniel Way
Artist: Steve Dillon
Wow. Good issue. Really good issue.
Sure I have some gripes about a few things — when do I not? But all in all, this is what a final chapter to a storyline should be.
Fulfilling. Surprising. Enjoyable.
My hat is off to you both, Daniel Way and Steve Dillon.
From Marvel (Preview): “The trap has sprung. Wolverine is Deadpool’s prisoner. But Deadpool isn’t getting paid to deliver a prisoner—he’s getting paid to take Logan out, once and for all. Is that even possible? Deadpool has found a way, but just as he’s about to pull the trigger (so to speak)…the other trap springs! Be here for the completely twisted conclusion!” On sale May 21, 2008.
I have to agree. This was a fantastic issue. I can’t wait to see what happens next. I wish a different artist would take over this book. But all I really want is for this to continue for another 75 issues. I would be very disappointed if this series was canceled before they got to finish what they started.